❈ Yuppy Puppy Food and Treat Machine #

Yuppy Puppy Food and Treat Machine

You are looking for Dog Food Dispenser and Yuppy Puppy Food and Treat Machine, you have comes to ✓ the correct place. We present you with extra offer and low prices for Yuppy Puppy Food and Treat Machine this for your another perfect choices.

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Rating: 4.9
List Price : ✩✩$
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Dog Food Dispenser

Product Description

The very cool Yuppy Puppy Treat Machine is made from cherry red cast metal. You can teach an old dog new tricks! Watch your dog push the handle down to dispense treats or food. Once the dog learns to do it, you can send away for your very own doggie diploma. Works great with certain small treats and it also vends most dry pet foods. Please note that there is a $5 handling charge for this item because it is fragile and oversized. Product quantity is currently constrained - please allow 2 weeks for delivery.

  • Gumball Machine Design - Dog Treat Dispenser
  • You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks!
  • Once the dog learns to do it, you can send away for your very own doggie diploma.
  • Works great with certain small treats and it also vends most dry pet foods.
  • Your Dog Will Love This!

The reason for this is because Yuppy Puppy Food and Treat Machine is gaining popularity, from people who have used. Then you will not be tested or !!

Tag: Yuppy Puppy Food and Treat Machine

Dog Food Dispenser 12-25-11


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