⇄ Hagen CatIt Fresh and Clear Water Fountain for Cats and Small Dogs #

Hagen CatIt Fresh and Clear Water Fountain for Cats and Small Dogs

You are looking for Dog Food Dispenser and Hagen CatIt Fresh and Clear Water Fountain for Cats and Small Dogs, you have comes to the correct place ⇲. We present you with extra offer and low prices for Hagen CatIt Fresh and Clear Water Fountain for Cats and Small Dogs this for your another perfect -- choices.

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Rating: 3.9
List Price : ✩✩$
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Dog Food Dispenser

Product Description

The Fresh & Clear water fountain is perfect for cats & small dogs (even multiple pets!) and provides an indoor source of moving water that will encourage your pet to drink more. It provides the kind of clean, oxygenated water your pet is looking for - and needs. Features include:Dual function replaceable filter - mechanical filter collects debris, food, hair and sediment while activated carbon chambers help reduce bad tastes, odors and absorb other impurities present in tap waterMultiple surface drinking area - pet may drink from bowl or direcly from the domeRe-circulating water flow - eliminates stale, stagnant water, cools water and responds to pets attraction to running waterLow voltage 12 V system - low energy consumption, protective plastic guard prevents cord contact with water dome and protects cord from pet chewing, detachable AC adapter

  • Fresher, better tasting filtered water for your pet
  • Encourages pets to drink more
  • Promotes pet health
  • 100 oz. Capacity requires less refills
  • Matching food bowl included

The reason for this is - because Hagen CatIt Fresh and Clear Water Fountain for Cats and Small Dogs is gaining ^ popularity, from people who have used. Then you will - not be tested or !

Tag: Hagen CatIt Fresh and Clear Water Fountain for Cats and Small Dogs

Dog Food Dispenser 1-4-12


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