۵ Atomic Treat Ball - 5" >

Atomic Treat Ball - 5"

You are looking for Dog Food Dispenser and Atomic Treat Ball - 5", you have comes to the correct place. We present you with extra offer and low ↷ prices for Atomic Treat Ball - 5" this for your another perfect choices.

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Dog Food Dispenser

Product Description

Dispensing food/treat ball for dogs. Uniquely shaped ball rolls and slides in unpredictable directions, and has many different angles for the dog to grab on to and safely play with. This presents a physically and mentally stimulating challenge, making the dog work for its food. Reduces boredom and destructive behavior. A perfect training device. The Atomic Treat Ball is made of tough, safe, non-toxic thermoplastic material. Easy to clean and refill. Can be used both indoors and outdoors. Available in assorted colors.

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Tag: Atomic Treat Ball - 5"

Dog Food Dispenser 1-19-12


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